A Hong Jean looks quite different from its Thai cousin. It doesn't look like a swan at all. In fact, it's more akin to peacock.
In Chinese, this creature is called "Ho-Ho". The legned describes this creature as a luck bringer. The belief of this creature spread throguhout the region all the way to Japan where Japanese call this bird "Ho" or "Ho-o". In some text, the "Ho" bird is also known by another name, "Feng" and is a dweller of heavern. This bird would come to Earth every 1,000 years.
The creature has multi-color feathers including red, yellow, blue, black, and white. Each color represent a different meaning. The over all meaning is virtue, beauty, witm honesty, and politeness.
This creature also represens longevity and luck. Furthermore, the chirping of this bird is described as music from heaven.